There isn’t a good place to get cancer (I really don’t
recommend the head, for instance) but some are better than others.
For a while there, it looked like America was about to
become one of the others. Again.
But the good guy won their weirdly complicated election, and
although ObamaCare doesn’t really come close to our free-at-the-point-of-need
NHS, it’s a step in the right direction, and it’ll be nice when it’s finished.
It’s also a progression Mitt Romney had pledged to reverse, despite having
introduced something similar in Massachusetts during his tenure as Governor there.
Which seems odd, unless you uncharitably see Mitt as a spineless flip-flopper who
only won the Republican candidacy over his more extreme (no, really) opponents
because he dribbles less and can dress himself, but is nonetheless in thrall to
the far right, which thinks ending ObamaCare is the right thing to do.
It’s odd that there are people in the world who think that
it’s morally correct to deny people accessible healthcare. Apparently it’s to do with
their right to choose. The choice between them paying a little less tax and someone
else getting to live, I presume. Yay for civil liberties.
But that’s not a choice to be made for now, because Obama gets
to keep the nice Washington mansion for another four years. Which is good: he must
have just got the couch in front of the telly worked into his shape. That’s something
to strive for, and it’s a terrible thing to deprive a man of his own
properly-grooved sofa. Happily, Barack gets to watch his West Wing box-set in
comfort, and US patients get an era of renewed hope.
Which is apt, because this is a hopeful week, running as it
does towards Remembrance Sunday. Which should be a day of hope, each scarlet
flower a symbol of optimism that the human species can renew itself after
horror and will remember not to repeat the stupidity.
Of course, we don’t always remember. Which is why we need
the reminder.
One spectacular example of forgetfulness recently came from
our plate-faced pudding of a Prime Minister, who seems to think that despite
the economy remaining in the toilet, a postal order for £50million would be just
the ticket for a wizard wheeze marking the start of the Great War, to “capture
our national spirit in every corner of the country”.
Right, Dave. Because the First World War was just like the Jubilee and the Olympics,
which went awfully well. Let’s have another one! After all, we won, didn’t we?
There must be some brand advantage in that.
Or you could just buy a bloody poppy. It would be a lot cheaper, and commemorate the end, not the start, of one of the least laudable
periods in our history, when for complicated political reasons an almost entire
generation of youth was encouraged to trot enthusiastically off to conveyor-belt
death by disease, drowning in mud, and the exciting new inventions of chemical
warfare and machine-gun fire.
It’s because of buffoons like the leader of the Eton Mess
that poppy day is at all controversial, that white poppies become a popular
alternative for those who wish to celebrate peace rather than war and others
simply refuse to wear a poppy at all.
I appreciate that sentiment, but I don’t agree. Abandoning
the symbol doesn’t help: we need to keep the red poppy, not as a celebration of
war, but as a annually-renewed reminder of its bloody foolishness; of the needless,
wasteful horror and terrible loss; that Dulce et Decorum
est really is an old lie.
We need to keep that splash of blood with its blackened
core, the gunshot wound worn above each of our hearts, centre stage amidst the
military show of Armistice Day.
That’s our renewed hope. Every year. Sometimes, it even